Sunday, October 23, 2005

On links and lifetimes

I like writing late at night. It is peaceful and quiet. The words just flow, continously. The thoughts just come, unhindered.
Contrary to what most people think, I have no love for writing. One writes to express ideas, thoughts, feelings amongst other things. I write to maintain one's ability to pen one's thoughts and to track the more memorable episodes in life. Hence the blog's name "As time goes by", hence the blog's link "the fundamental things apply". If you are wondering, they came from the lyrics of a song, from a movie, Casablanca. "A kiss is just a kiss; A smile is just a smile. The fundamental things apply; As time goes by." And yes, when I blog, the blog entry usually has little relevance to the thoughts swimming in my head. In a sense, I blog for numero uno, to borrow a headline from TNP.
Have you noticed how working life has dulled the senses and numbed the brain? Have you noticed how it has mutated our writing styles from being uniquely one's own to officious-sounding propaganda? Have you noticed how we produced much better pieces while still in school?
Today I bumped into 2 people, both from uni days. One was a blind girl who was in my tutorial class for the module on history of modern China and Japan. The other was a guy who was in my tutorial for the module on Cold War. The girl I knew only by name and despite being in the same tutorial class for one whole semester, we never spoke. The other used to be a good buddy of mine. We could talk for hours on the phone, from night till dawn.
I was reminded of a Chinese calligraphy talk which I attended early this year. The speaker related a story. He had been invited to a conference in Japan. They requested him to write a Japanese saying. The words translate to mean something along the lines of when your sleeve brushes past a stranger in a room, it is the culmination of many lifetimes' karma.
Looks like my 'fate' with some people have yet to end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watashi was once a friendly and naive person who thrives on friendship and enjoys making/writing cards.

As time goes by,shifts of priorities - (From ordinary Tv to cable Tv to rented tvb dramas), real life experiences (Had a good friend who does not keep in touch much kept pestering me to invest your CPF when in his opinion, you are a BIG FISH where girls gain extensive CPF mileage compared to males with their NS commitments.) and all other distracting factors, Watashi is now a hermit who cares only about her few friends and SO.

Those people whom we have known or whatsoever tutorial mate etc... have faded into the faceless crowd. May our paths not cross again. Never keen on wasting saliva muttering " Hi, what you doing now?" to fakey acquaintances and so called friends. If you see me on the street, dun bother greeting me. Dont waste each other's time.

Sun Oct 23, 12:11:00 PM  
Blogger As Time Goes By said...

Selfish Oblivious Bitch,
You have succeeded in making me do something which I have resisted all this while - ie post a comment in my own blog.

Are you one of my friends or a passerby? You sound like Tianlongbabu but your writing styles differ slightly. Were you the one who posted your comments on Buddhism under the post "Tolerance"?

Acquaintances from school days, I never greet. People who I acknowledge on the streets are those I am genuinely friends with. Which was why yesterday I recognised Penny but did not say hi. Which was also why Keith and I acknowledged each other. My old friends do not call me ice queen for nothing.

If I see you on the streets, and I would like to say hi, I will do so. It is your call whether you would like to return the greeting.

Life is too short to spend it doing things we think we should as opposed to doing things we like.

Viva la vie! =)

Sun Oct 23, 04:51:00 PM  
Blogger Elvina aka LaoNiang said...

I am quite an individualistic person myself. Always feel that if people have never really been part of my life, I do not really need them around. Much less give stupid comments and advice on how I should live it.

But I guess, there are always some people I can tolerate. I may not always accept people into my circle, but I can try and be less hostile.

So if I do know you and I do see you, yes, I will say 'hi'. ;)

Sun Oct 23, 11:02:00 PM  
Blogger As Time Goes By said...

Elvina Elvina.....hostility me feels is not part of your genetic make up. You are warm by nature and hostile by nurture.


Mon Oct 24, 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi.... it is me!! Does my writing style differ? Doesn't seem so! Probably can ask Tan if it does sound like me! Of cos I wont ONLY say HI to you! I will scream YOUR FULL NAME in my highest pitch wherever I bump into you in the street! Prize for guessing who is the asshole I mentioned who is into the investment crap?

Thu Oct 27, 04:07:00 PM  
Blogger NA said...

Friends matter to me. Acquaintances mah.. It depends. Saying hi to someone you bump into on the streets does not necessarily pull you closer. Not saying anything when eyes are locked need not necessarily widen the gap.

I love blogging bcos it is a tool for me to dig deeper within myself, to make sense of why i am feeling or responding to situation/people/things in a particular way(s).

Sometimes, this makes me crappy.

Tue Nov 01, 02:13:00 PM  

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